
Bahri Yılmaz

(216) 483 9236
Personal Web
Emeritus Faculty Member
B.S. in Economics, İstanbul University, 1966;

Ph.D. in Economics, University of Bonn (Germany), 1973.
Areas of Interest
International economics; Macroeconomics, History of Economic Thought, European Economic Integration and economic development.
  • Alexander von Humbolt Stiftung - Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik in Berlin  2009
  • Research Fellowship - DAAD  2008
  • Visiting Fellow - Pembroke Collage, Cambridge  2008
  • Visiting Fellow - Center for European Studies, Harvard University  2008
Elected by the EU Research Department as a member of Screening and evaluation Committee of Research projects regarding in the Political Economy within the 7th Framework. Elected by Austrian Science Fund as evaluator of research projects on the topic of Foreign Direct Investments.
  • Article
    Yılmaz, Bahri (2013) "The new emerging power China: the role of China in the world economy and world politics", Görüş, Vol.80 (NA)
    Yılmaz, Bahri (2013) "Çin'in önlenemeyen yükselişi", Görüş, Vol.78, 64-68 (NA)
    Yılmaz, Bahri (2013) "The irresistible increase of China", Görüş, Vol.78, 64-68 (NA)
    Yılmaz, Bahri (2011) "Turkey’s membership in the EU: realistic or merely wishful?", Harvard International Review (NA)
    Yılmaz, Bahri (2010) "Hinwendung, abwendung oder doppelstrategie? die debatte um die mitgliedschaft der Türkei in der Europäischen Union", Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (NA)
    Yılmaz, Bahri (2005) "The foreign trade pattern and foreign trade specialization in the European Union: a comparison of six new member/candidate countries and the EU/15", Eastern European Economics, Vol.43, No.5, 74-100 (SSCI)
    Yılmaz, Bahri (2005) "International competitiveness of Turkey in the EU", Eastern European Economies (SSCI)
    Yılmaz, Bahri (2005) "Relations of Turkey with the EU after summit meeting", Journal of Royal Institute for International Affairs(ENCONA) (NA)
    Yılmaz, Bahri (2002) "Turkey's relations with the European Union (Economic integration between EU and Turkey)", Turkish Policy Quarterly, Vol.1, No.3, 107-116 (NA)
    Yılmaz, Bahri (2002) "Turkey's competitiveness in the European Union - A comparison with Greece, Portugal, Spain, and the EU/12/15", Russian & East European finance and trade, Vol.38, No.3, 54-72 (SSCI)
    Yılmaz, Bahri (2002) "The role of trade strategies for economic development: a comparison of foreign trade between Turkey and South Korea", Russian & East European finance and trade, Vol.38, No.2, 59-78 (SSCI)
    Yılmaz, Bahri (1999) "A sick man on the Bosporus? - the political and economic interests of Turkey", Internationale Politik, Vol.54, No.1, 66-70 (SSCI)
  • Book
    Turkey's accession to the European Union: political and economic challenges, Akçay, Belgin and Yılmaz, Bahri (eds.), Lanham: Lexington Books 2013
    EuroMed-2030: long term challenges for the Mediterranean area: report of an expert group, (Prepared by: Yılmaz, Bahri), Brussels: European Commission, June 2011
  • Book Section / Chapter
    Yılmaz, Bahri, "World economic crisis and its impacts on Turkish economy", The EU As A Global Player, Madrid: CEU Ediciones 2012, 45-61
    Yılmaz, Bahri, "Turkey and the Arab spring: the revolutions in Turkey's near abroad", Changes and Opportunities in the Emerging Mediterranean, Calleya, Stephen and Wohlfeld, Monika (eds.), Malta: University of Malta 2012, 349-369
    Yılmaz, Bahri and Başar, Mustafa Doruk, "Foreign direct investment in the Mediterranean partner countries, developments and determinants of FDI in the Mediterranean countries", Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, Zukrowska, Katarzyna (ed.), Warsaw, Poland: Warsaw School of Economics, December 2008, 65-92
    Yılmaz, Bahri, "La competitivite internationale et la specialisation dans le commerce international: une comparaison Entre siz pays et L'Europe des 15", L'élargissement de L'union Européenne: Quels Enjeux et Défis Majeurs?, Krifa-Schneider, Hadjila (ed.), Paris: L'Harmattan 2007, 181-212
  • Volumes Edited / Special Issues
    Yılmaz, Bahri, Bertelsmann transformation index: towards democracy and a market economy, Gütersloh: Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung, August 2006
  • Working Paper / Technical Report
    Yılmaz, Bahri, "Germany's economic relations with China within the within the framework of the Indo-Pacific strategy", January 2025, Sabancı University ID:10.5900/SU_FASS_WP.2025.51271
    Yılmaz, Bahri, "European energy security and the role of Turkey in the global energy market", February 2012
    Yılmaz, Bahri, "Economic relations of Turkey with Russia: Turkey’s role in energy transportation: is Turkey an energy power?", December 2009
    Yılmaz, Bahri and Başar, Doruk Mustafa, "Institutions and economic performance: A case study for Turkey, Greece, Spain, Portugal, South Korea and API countries", December 2009
    Yılmaz, Bahri and Öztürk, Ezgi Özgül, "New challenges: the impact of EU enlargement on the Barcelona process: international competitiveness and foreign trade specialisation in the enlarged European Union and MPCs. Division of labour in the mediterranean neighbouring countries and a comparison with seven new member countries, Turkey and the EU 15", February 2008
    Yılmaz, Bahri and Akın, Gökçe, "International competitiveness and foreign trade specialization: The Mediterranean Neighbouring Countries and the EU15", December 2006
    Yılmaz, Bahri and Başar, Doruk Mustafa, "Foreign direct investment in the Mediterranean Countries: developments and determinants of FDI in the Mediterranean Countries", December 2006
  • Before SU Publications
    Yilmaz Bahri (1973), The Impact of Emigration of Turkish Workers the Economic Development of Turkey(Dissertation), 1973 Bonn, (in German) Yilmaz Bahri, (1981),"Causes of Different Economic Structures on the Economic Growth Rates in Turkey and Italy", Hacettepe University Bulletin of Administrative Sciences, Vol.1, Nr: 4, June 1981, pp.51-78 Yilmaz Bahri (1982),"Export Incentives and Export Performance in Developing Countries": The Journal of Economics, Istanbul, May 1982, 33-45 (in Turkish) Yilmaz Bahri (1983), “Multinational Firms in Developing Countries", The Journal of Economics, Istanbul, December, 1983, pp.16-30 (in Turkish) Yilmaz Bahri (1983),"External Shocks and Adjustment Process in Turkey: Implementation of Bela Balassas's Model for Turkey", Hacettepe University Bulletin of Administrative Sciences, Vol 1, Nr: 3, June 1983,N.S., pp.17-30 (in German) Yilmaz Bahri (1984), Economic Structure and Growth: a Case Study for The United Kingdom and West Germany, Hacettepe University Press (H.Ü- IIBF Yayınlari) Number 5, pp.130, Ankara Yilmaz Bahri (1985), "External Assault and Adjustment Process in Greece, Spain and Turkey", in: Europe at the Crossroads Agendas of the Crises (edited by Stefan Musto and Carl F. Pinkele), Praeger Publishers, New York, pp.133-158. Yilmaz Bahri (1986),"Turkish Exports to the European Community" University of Durham/England, Occasional Papers Series No: 29, pp 3-35; published in Middle Eastern Exports: Problems and Prospects, edited by Rodney Wilson, Durham University/ England Yilmaz Bahri (1987), "Foreign Direct Investments in Turkey", Occasional Papers No: 31, Durham University/England Yilmaz Bahri (1991), "Lehre und Forschung im Bereich der Wirtschaftswissenschaft in der Türkei und ein Vergleich mit Deutschland“; vorgetragen beim Humboldt Kolloquium in Antalya/ Türkei (published 1992) Yilmaz Bahri (1992),"Structure of Specialization and International Competitiveness of Turkey and in Comparison with the New Entrants, Greece, Spain, Portugal and the EC", Bilkent University Discussion Papers, No: 92-3, March 1992, pp. 25 Yilmaz Bahri (1993), Die Wirtschaftsbeziehungen der Türkei zu den Nachfolgestaaten der Sowjetunion: Stand und Perspektiven, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, SWP-AP 2785 März 1993 Ebenhausen/Germany Yilmaz Bahri (1993), "Die Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung in der Türkei seit 1923"; Mitteilungen der Südosteuropa Gesellschaft, München/Germany,(1993/4), pp.350-365. Yilmaz Bahri, (1993) "Tarihi bir firsat Kaciyor mu?” TOBB Iktisat Dergisi Mayis 1993 Yilmaz Bahri (1993), "Turkish Foreign Economic Policy":in "Forum" Balkan Studies, Uskup, Macedonia, pp.57-66. Yilmaz Bahri (1993), "Die Türkei als regionale Wirtschaftsmacht: Die neue Rolle der in der Region“, in: Internationale Politik, Europa Archiv, (SSCI)*, 48 Jahr, 25 December 1993,24 Folge, pp.718-724. Yilmaz Bahri (1994),"Internationale Beziehungen der Türkei, in: Die Aussenpolitik, January 1994 (SSCI), Vol.45, 1/94, pp.90-98.(German and English Edition) Yilmaz Bahri (1995)," Regionale Macht Türkei", in: Internationale Politik (Europa Archiv), May 1995. Nr.5, pp.37-42. (SSCI) Yilmaz Bahri (1995),"Einzelprobleme der türkischen Außenpolitik, in: Aktuelle Analysen, Bundesinstitut für ostwissenschaftliche und Internationale Studien, Köln Nr:12/1995 Yilmaz Bahri (1995), "Prioritäten der türkischen Politik", in: Aktuelle Analysen, Bundesinstitut für ostwissenschaftliche und internationale Studien, Köln, Nr:9/1995, (SSCI) Yilmaz Bahri (1997), “Wirtschaftliche Stabilität und Machtpolitik", in: Internationale Politik (Europa Archiv), April 1997.Nr.4.52.Jahr,pp. 47-53 (SSCI) with Russian Translation. Yilmaz Bahri (1998),"Zuspitzung der Wirtschaftskrise", in: Internationale Politik , Januar 1998. Nr.1., 53.Jahrgang, pp.35- 40 (SSCI) Yilmaz Bahri (1998),"International Competitiveness of Turkey to the EU: A Comparison with Greece, Portugal, Spain and the EU/9", in: The Political Economy of Turkey in the Post-Soviet Era (edited by Libby Rittenberg) Praege Publishers.Westport, Conn.1998 Yilmaz Bahri (1999), "Kranker Mann am Bosporus? Die politischen und wirtschaftlichen Interessen der Türkei", in: Internationale Politik , January 1999. Nr.12, 54. Jahrgang, pp.66-71 (SSCI), with Russian Translation.