
Senem Aydın Düzgit

(216) 483 9292
Personal Web
Faculty Member

PhD, Political Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
MSc, European Politics and Policy, London School of Economics and Political Science
BA, Political Science and International Relations, Boğaziçi University

Areas of Interest
International Relations Theory, Turkish Foreign Policy, Turkey-EU relations, European Foreign Policy, Discourse Studies
  • Pierre Keller Visiting Chair in Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard University - Harvard University  2024
  • Richard von Weizsacker Fellowship - Robert Bosch Academy, Berlin  2023
  • Board Member and Communications Chair of the Young Academy of Europe (YAE) - Young Academy of Europe  2020
  • Fellow of the Young Academy of Europe - Young Academy of Europe  2020
  • Dismantling populism:evidence-based actions enhancing democracy for a stronger Europe - TÜBİTAK Eşiküstü Ödülü  2018
Member of the ECFR (European Council on Foreign Relations) Council Board Member, Center for Economics and Foreign Policy Studies (EDAM) European Union Studies Association International Studies Association International Political Science Association Turkish Political Science Association
  • Article
    Müftüler-Baç, Meltem and Aydın Düzgit, Senem and Uzun-Teker, Ezgi (2024) "The EU's global strategic partner(ship): a tool for the maturation of European foreign policy?", European Security, Vol.33, No.3, 426-448 (SSCI)
    Aydın Düzgit, Senem and Kutlay, Mustafa and Keyman, Fuat (2024) "State capacity and populist rule in times of uncertainty: COVID-19 response in South Korea, Brazil, and Turkey", Globalizations, Vol.21, No.4, 684-704 (SSCI)
    Aydın Düzgit, Senem and Kutlay, Mustafa and Keyman, Fuat (2023) "How Erdogan rules through crisis", Journal of Democracy, Vol.34, No.4, 80-93 (SSCI)
    Rumelili, Bahar and Aydın Düzgit, Senem and Gülmez, Seçkin Barış (2023) "Gendering public diplomacy: Turkey and Europe in the 1930s", Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, Vol.25, No.2, 239-256 (SSCI)
    Aydın Düzgit, Senem and Noutcheva, Gergana (2022) "External contestations of Europe: Russia and Turkey as normative challengers?", Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol.60, No.6, 1815-1831 (SSCI)
    Aydın Düzgit, Senem and Rumelili, Bahar and Topal, Alp Eren (2022) "Challenging anti-Western historical myths in populist discourse: re-visiting Ottoman Empire-Europe interaction during the 19th century", European Journal of International Relations, Vol.28, No.3, 513-537 (SSCI)
    Aydın Düzgit, Senem and Dandashly, Assem (2022) "A model no more? Debating Turkish influence in the southern neighbourhood", Democratization (SI), Vol.29, No.3, 451-468 (SSCI)
    Aydın Düzgit, Senem and Rumelili, Bahar and Gülmez, Seçkin Barış (2020) "Turkey as a model for the Mediterranean? Revealing discursive continuities with Europe's imperial past", Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies (SI), Vol.22, No.6, 741-762 (SSCI, AHCI)
    Aydın Düzgit, Senem (2020) "Can non-democracies support international democracy? Turkey as a case study", Third World Quarterly, Vol.41, No.2, 264-283 (SSCI)
    Aydın Düzgit, Senem and Rumelili, Bahar (2019) "Discourse analysis: strengths and shortcomings", All Azimuth, Vol.8, No.2, 285-305 (ESCI)
    Aydın Düzgit, Senem and Balta, Evren (2018) "When elites polarize over polarization: framing the polarization debate in Turkey", New Perspectives on Turkey, Vol.59, 109-133 (SSCI)
    Aydın Düzgit, Senem (2018) "Legitimizing Europe in contested settings: Europe as a normative power in Turkey?", Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol.56, No.3, 612-627 (SSCI)
    Aydın Düzgit, Senem (2018) "Foreign policy and identity change: analysing perceptions of Europe among the Turkish public", Politics (SI), Vol.38, No.1, 19-34 (SSCI)
  • Book Section / Chapter
    Aydın Düzgit, Senem, "A curious love affair? EU-Turkey relations", A Companion to Modern Turkey's Centennial: Political, Sociological, Economic and Institutional Transformations Since 1923, Özerdem, Alparslan and Öztürk, Ahmet Erdi (eds.), Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, September 2023, 431-442
    Aydın Düzgit, Senem, "Dünyadaki örnekler ışığında Türkiye'de kutuplaşma", Türkiye Siyasetinin Sınırları: Siyasal Davranış, Kurumlar ve Kültür (Ersin Kalaycıoğlu'na Armağan), Carkoglu, Ali and Erdogan, Emre and Moral, Mert (eds.), İstanbul: Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, January 2023
    Aydın Düzgit, Senem, "Still a good governance exporter? Questioning EU's transformative power in the age of democratic decline", EU Good Governance Promotion in the Age of Democratic Decline, Soyaltın-Colella, Digdem (ed.), Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan Cham, September 2022, 283-293
    Aydın Düzgit, Senem and Chovanec, Johanna and Rumelili, Bahar, "Europe and the Ottoman Empire: images of self and the other", Routledge Handbook of EU-Middle East Relations, Bouris, Dimitri and Huber, Daniela and Pace, Michelle (eds.), London: Routledge, December 2021
    Aydın Düzgit, Senem and Rumelili, Bahar, "Constructivist approaches to EU-Turkey relations", EU-Turkey Relations: Theories, Institutions, and Policies, Reiners, Wulf and Turhan, Ebru (eds.), Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, June 2021, 63-82
    Aydın Düzgit, Senem and Rumelili, Bahar, "Contested identities: historicising and deconstructing representations in EU-Turkey relations", Turkey and the European Union: key dynamics and future scenarios, Saatçioğlu, Beken and Tekin, Funda (eds.), Berlin: Nomos Verlag, March 2021, 57-76
    Aydın Düzgit, Senem and Şenyuva, Özgehan, "Turkey: a vicious cycle of Euroscepticism?", Euroscepticism and the Future of Europe: Views From the Capitals, Kaeding, Michael and Pollak, Johannes and Schmidt, Paul (eds.), Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, January 2021, 159-162
    Aydın Düzgit, Senem, "The Islamist-Secularist divide and Turkey's descent into severe polarization", Democracies Divided: The Global Challenge of Political Polarization, Carothers, Thomas and O'Donohue, Andrew (eds.), Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, September 2019, 17-37
    Aydın Düzgit, Senem, "Avrupa Birliği'nin dış ilişkilerinde kuramsal tartışmalar", Hukuki, Siyasi ve İktisadi Yönleriyle Avrupa Bütünleşmesinde Son Gelişmeler ve Türkiye-AB İlişkileri: Ataum 30.Yıl Armağanı, Baykal, Sanem and Akgül Açıkmeşe, Sinem and Akçay, Belgin and Çağrı, Erhan (eds.), Ankara: ATAUM (Avrupa Toplulukları Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi), December 2018, 129-150
    Aydın-Düzgit, Senem, "De-Europeanisation through discourse: a critical discourse analysis of AKP's election speeches", Is Turkey De-Europeanising? Encounters with Europe in a Candidate Country, Kaliber, Alper and Aydın-Düzgit, Senem (eds.), London: Routledge (Taylor and Francis), April 2017
  • Volumes Edited / Special Issues
    Aydın-Düzgit, Senem and Kaliber, Alper, Introduction: encounters with Europe in an era of domestic and international turmoil: is Turkey a De-Europeanising candidate country?, Routledge (Taylor and Francis), April 2017
  • Working Paper / Technical Report
    Müftüler-Baç, Meltem and Aydın Düzgit, Senem and Uzun, Ezgi and Martill, Benjamin and Mesarovich, Alexander and Schnitzler, Gaspard, "Conceptually defining global strategic partnership", November 2022
    Aydın Düzgit, Senem and Bond, Ian and Scazzieri, Luigi, "The role of differentiation in EU foreign, security and defence policy cooperation with neighbouring countries", March 2021, Sabancı University ID:Policy Papers No:14
    Okyay, Aslı Selin and Lavenex, Sandra and Krizic, Ivo and Aydın Düzgit, Senem, "External differentiation in migration: boosting or hollowing out the common EU policy?", November 2020, Sabancı University ID:Policy Papers No:10
    Aydın Düzgit, Senem and Keyman, Fuat and Biehl Öztuzcu, Kristen Sarah, "Changing parameters of migration cooperation: beyond the EU-Turkey deal", December 2019
    Aydın Düzgit, Senem and Marrone, Alessandro, "PESCO and security cooperation between the EU and Turkey", September 2018
    Aydın Düzgit, Senem and Chovanec, Johanna and Gülmez, Seçkin Barış and Rumelili, Bahar and Topal, Alp Eren, "Turkish and European identity constructions in the 1946-1999 period", March 2018
    Aydın Düzgit, Senem and Keyman, Fuat, "The illiberal turn in advanced democracies", December 2017
    Aydın Düzgit, Senem and Chovanec, Johanna Victoria and Gülmez, Seçkin Barış and Rumelili, Bahar and Topal, Alp Eren, "Turkish and European identity constructions in the 1815-1945 period", July 2017
  • Before SU Publications


    • Turkey and the European Union (with Nathalie Tocci) (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan), June 2015.
    • Global Turkey in Europe III, edited with Meltem Müftüler-Baç, Daniela Huber, E. Fuat Keyman and Nathalie Tocci (Rome: Italian Institute of International Affairs), June 2015.
    • Global Turkey in Europe II, edited with Meltem Müftüler-Baç, Daniela Huber, E. Fuat Keyman, Nathalie Tocci and Jan Tasci (Rome: Italian Institute of International Affairs), April 2014.
    • Global Turkey in Europe, edited with Anne Duncker, Daniela Huber, E. Fuat Keyman and Nathalie Tocci (Rome: Italian Institute of International Affairs), May 2013.
    • Constructions of European Identity: Debates and Discourses on Turkey and the EU (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan), December 2012. (Revised and updated Turkish version Türklük, Müslümanlık, Doğululuk: AB’nin Türkiye Söylemleri published by Koç University Press, November 2015)
    • Avrupa Birliği’ne Giriş: Tarih, Kurumlar ve Politikalar (Introduction to the European Union: History, Institutions and Policies), edited with Ayhan Kaya, Yaprak Gürsoy and Özge Onursal, (Istanbul: Istanbul Bilgi University Press), 2011. (Winner of the Turkish Academy of Sciences Textbook Award, 2012)
    • Civil Society Dialogue between Turkey and France: Transcending Stereotypes, edited with Ayhan Kaya, (Istanbul: Istanbul Bilgi University Press), 2009.

    Articles in Refereed Journals

    • “De-Europeanisation through Discourse: A Critical Discourse Analysis of AKP’s Election Speeches”, South European Society and Politics, Vol. 21, No.1, 2016, pp. 45-58. (SSCI)
    • “Encounters with Europe in an Era of Domestic and International Turmoil: Is Turkey a De-Europeanising Country?” (with Alper Kaliber), South European Society and Politics, Vol. 21, No. 1, 2016, pp. 1-14. (SSCI)
    • “Post-Yapısalcı Yaklaşımlar ve Uluslararası İlişkilerin Temel Kavramları” (Post-Structuralist Approaches and Basic Concepts of International Relations), Uluslararası İlişkiler, Vol. 12, No. 46, 2015, pp. 153-168. (SSCI)
    • “European Parliament ‘Doing’ Europe: Unravelling the Right-Wing Culturalist Discourse on Turkey’s Accession to the EU”, Journal of Language and Politics, Vol.14, No.1, 2015, pp. 154-174. (SSCI)
    • “Critical Discourse Analysis in Analysing EU Foreign Policy: Prospects and Challenges”, Cooperation and Conflict, Vol.49, No.3, 2014, pp. 354-367. (SSCI)
    • “European Security and Turkish Accession: Identity and Foreign Policy in the European Commission”, Cooperation and Conflict, Vol. 48, No. 4, 2013, pp. 522-541.(SSCI)
    • “No Crisis, No Change: The Third AKP Victory in the June 2011 Parliamentary Elections in Turkey”, South European Society and Politics, Vol. 17, No. 2, 2012, pp. 329-346. (SSCI) Reprinted in Anna Bosco and Susannah Verney (eds.) Elections in Hard Times: Southern Europe 2010-2011, London, Routledge, 2013.
    • “Lost in Europeanization? The Western Balkans and Turkey” (with Gergana Noutcheva), West European Politics, Vol. 35, No.1, 2012, pp. 59-78. (SSCI) Reprinted in Tanja Börzel and Thomas Risse (eds.) From Europeanisation to Diffusion, London, Routledge, 2014.
    • “Turkish Accession and Defining the Boundaries of Nationalism and Supranationalism: Discourses in the European Commission” (with Semin Suvarierol), South European Society and Politics, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2011, pp. 469-482. (SSCI) Reprinted in Gamze Avcı and Ali Çarkoğlu (eds.), Turkey and the EU: Accession and Reform, London, Routledge, 2011.
    • “Avrupa Birliği – Türkiye İlişkilerine Posyapısalcı Yaklaşım: Almanya Örneğinde Dış Politika ve Söylem Analizi” (A Poststructuralist Approach to EU-Turkey Relations: Foreign Policy and Discourse Analysis in the Case of Germany), Uluslararası İlişkiler (International Relations), Vol. 8, No. 29, 2011, pp. 49-70. (SSCI)
    • “Limits of Cosmopolitanism? European Commission Officials on the Selves and Others” (with Semin Suvarierol), Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, Vol. 36, No.2, 2011, pp. 155-168. (SSCI)
    • “Constructing Europe through Turkey: French Views on Turkey’s Accession to the EU,” Politique Européenne, No.29, 2009, pp. 47-82 .

    Chapters in Edited Books

    • "Social Constructivist and Discursive Approaches to European Foreign Policy”, in The SAGE Handbook of European Foreign Policy, edited by Knud Erik Jorgensen et. al. (London: Sage), 2015.
    • "Different Paths to Democracy? Accession Europeanisation in Croatia and Turkey" (with Gergana Noutcheva), in The Europeanization of Turkey: Polity and Politics, edited by Ali Tekin and Aylin Güney (London: Routledge), 2015.
    • “The Rule of Law and Judicial Reforms in Turkey between 2002 and 2013” (with Yaprak Gürsoy) in Siyasetin Bilimi: İlter Turan’a Armağan, edited by Pınar Uyan Semerci, Nihal İncioğlu and Boğaç Erozan (İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları), 2015.
    • "Unravelling European Union Foreign Policy through Critical Discourse Analysis: Guidelines for Research", in EU Foreign Policy through the Lens of Discourse Analysis: Making Sense of Diversity, edited by Caterina Carta and Jean-Frédéric Morin (Farnham: Ashgate), 2014.
    • “Human Rights in Turkey”, in Turkey’s Democratization Process, edited by Carmen Rodriguez, Antonio Avalos, Hakan Yılmaz and Ana Planet (London: Routledge), 2013.
    • “Counterintuitive International Influences: The Case of Turkish Transition in 1983” (with Yaprak Gürsoy) in Transitions to Democracy: A Comparative Assessment, edited by Kathryn Stoner and Michael McFaul (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press), 2013.
    • “Nitel Yaklaşım ile Görüşme, Gözlem ve Odak Grup Yöntemleri” (Qualitative Interview, Observation and Focus Groups) in Uluslararası İlişkilerde Araştırma Yöntemleri (Research Methods in International Relations), edited by Ali Çarkoğlu (Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları), 2013.
    • “Avrupa Birliği Genişlemesi ve Komşuluk Politikası” (European Union Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy) in Avrupa Birliği’nde Gelişmeler (Developments in the European Union), edited with Ayhan Kaya, Yaprak Gürsoy and Özge Onursal (Istanbul: Istanbul Bilgi University Press), 2011.
    • “Valenciennes: The Story of a Re-Industrialised City” (with Ayhan Kaya) in Regional Development and the European Union: A Comparative Analysis of Karabük, Valenciennes and Katowice, edited by Ayhan Kaya and François Bafoil (Istanbul: Istanbul Bilgi University Press), 2009.
    • “Turkey: Internal and External Challenges of Democratisation” in Democracy’s Plight in the European Neighbourhood: Struggling Transitions and Proliferating Dynasties, edited by Michael Emerson and Richard Youngs (Brussels: Centre for European Policy Studies), 2009.
    • “Turkey: A Sustainable Case of De-Radicalisation?” (with Ruşen Çakır) in Islamist Radicalisation: The Challenge for Euro-Mediterranean Relations, edited by Michael Emerson et. al. (Brussels: CEPS & Fride), 2009.
    • “Demokrasi, İyi Yönetişim ve Kurumsal Reform Ekseninde Avrupa’nın Geleceği” (Future of Europe along the Axis of Democracy, Good Governance and Institutional Reform) in AB, Bütünleşme ve STK’lar (EU, Integration and NGOs), edited by Alper Akyüz (İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları), 2009 .
    • “Turkey: Reforms for a Consolidated Democracy” (with Ali Çarkoğlu) in International Actors, Democratization and the Rule of Law: Anchoring Democracy?, edited by Leonardo Morlino and Amichai Magen (London: Routledge), 2009 .
    • “Turkey and European Integration: Towards Fairness and Reciprocity ” (with E. Fuat Keyman) in Remaking Turkey: Globalisation, Alternative Modernities and Democracy, edited by E. Fuat Keyman (Oxford: Lexington), 2007 .
    • “Europeanisation, Democratisation and Human Rights in Turkey” (with E.Fuat Keyman) in Turkey and the European Union: Prospects of a Difficult Encounter, edited by Esra Lagro and Knud Erik Jorgensen (London: Palgrave), 2007.
    • “Political Islam in Turkey” (with Ruşen Çakır) in Political Islam and Foreign Policy: Perspectives From Muslim Democrats of the Mediterranean, edited by Michael Emerson and Richard Youngs (Brussels: Centre for European Policy Studies), 2007. (Reprinted in Insight Turkey, Vol. 9, No.2, January-March 2007)
    • “The Reluctant Debutante: The European Union as Promoter of Democracy in its Neighbourhood” (with Michael Emerson, Gergana Noutcheva, Nathalie Tocci, Marius Vahl, Richard Youngs) in Democratisation in the European Neighbourhood (Brussels: Centre for European Policy Studies), October 2005.


    • “Yeni Anayasa’ya Doğru: Kurumsal Reform ve Demokrasi Kültürünün Gelişimi” (Towards the New Constitution: Institutional Report and Development of Democracy Culture) (with Bekir Ağırdır, E. Fuat Keyman, Özge Kemahlıoğlu, Işık Özel), Report for the Turkish Enterprise and Business Confederation (TURKONFED), Istanbul, December 2015. 
    • “EU-Turkey Relations and the Stagnation of Turkish Democracy” (with E. Fuat Keyman), Working Paper No. 2, IAI and Istanbul Policy Center, December 2012.
    • “Analysis of the 2009 Annual Programme for Turkey under the Pre-Accession Instrument (IPA) in the Context of the 2009 Enlargement Package” (with Ayhan Kaya), Briefing Note (Brussels: European Parliament), February 2010.
    • “International Influences on the Transition to Democracy after the 1980 Military Intervention” (with Yaprak Gürsoy) for the Project “Evaluating International Influences on Democratic Development” Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law (CDDRL) at Stanford University, July 2008.
    • “Seeking Kant in the EU’s Relations with Turkey” Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation (TESEV) Foreign Policy Program Report, December 2006.
    • Turkey in Europe Monitor, edited with Michael Emerson, CEPS EU-Turkey Working Paper, No.15 (Brussels: Centre for European Policy Studies), May 2005.
    • “European Integration and the Transformation of Turkish Democracy” (with E. Fuat Keyman), CEPS EU-Turkey Working Paper, No.2 (Brussels: Centre for European Policy Studies), August 2004. 
    • “Avrupa Birliği’nde Kadın Hakları ve Türkiye” (Women’s Rights in the EU and Turkey), Economic Development Foundation (IKV) Publications, No. 175, 2003.
    • “Contributions of Turkey’s Membership to the European Union”, Economic Development Foundation (IKV) Publications, No. 167, 2002.

    Articles in General Journals and Policy Briefs

    • “Brexit: What, Why and How?”, Istanbul Policy Centre (IPC) Policy Brief, June 2016.
    • “Turkey has Given Up on Democracy Outside its Borders, too”, Foreign Policy, April 2016.
    • "Why Technology has not Delivered More Democracy” (with Thomas Carothers et. al.), Foreign Policy, June 2015.
    • "Rising Democracies’ Perception of Brazilian Democracy Policy” (with Niranjan Sahoo et. al.), Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, March 2015.
    • "The Seesaw Friendship between Turkey’s AKP and Egypt’s Brotherhood”, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, July 2014.
    • "Deflated Expectations", International Politik, Special Issue on Europe-Dream and Reality, May/June 2014, pp. 54-58.
    • "Democracy Support in Turkey's Foreign Policy" (with E. Fuat Keyman), Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, March 2014.
    • “Transforming Turkey-EU Relations: Ground for Hope?” (with E. Fuat Keyman), Policy Brief No.6, IAI and Istanbul Policy Center, March 2013.
    • “The AKP in Turkey: Off the Hook This Time”, The International Spectator, Vol. 43, No. 4, 2008, pp. 25-29.
    • “France’s Draft Law on the Armenian Genocide: Some Legal and Political Implications at EU Level” (with Sergio Carrera and Florian Geyer), CEPS Policy Brief, No.114 (Brussels: Centre for European Policy Studies), October 2006.
    • “Just What is This Absorption Capacity of the European Union?” (with Michael Emerson, Julia de Clerck Sachsse, Gergana Noutcheva), CEPS Policy Brief , No. 113 (Brussels: Centre for European Policy Studies), September 2006.
    • “The Principle of Fairness in Turkey-EU Relations” (with E. Fuat Keyman), Turkish Policy Quarterly, Vol.3, No.3, 2004, pp. 83-95. (Reprinted in E.Fuat Keyman and Nurhan Yentürk (eds.) Debatten zur Globalisierten Türkei, Berlin: J&D Dagyeli Verlag, 2010).
    • “Self-Definition of Europe: Where does Turkey Stand?” Turkish Policy Quarterly, Vol.2, No.4, 2003, pp. 69-83.


    • “Turkish Foreign Policy after the Elections: Where to from Here?”, Global Turkey in Europe Commentary, IAI, IPC and Stiftung Mercator, July 2015.
    • “The Souring of Turkey-EU Relations: Is There a Way Out?”, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, October 2013.
    • “Turkey-EU Relations Stagnated: Is There a Way Out?”, Europe’s World, February 2013.
    • “Avrupa’nın Demokrasiyle İmtihanı” (Europe’s Challenge with Democracy), TÜSİAD Görüş Dergisi, October 2012, No. 75.
    • “Constitutional Referendum in Turkey: Does it Really Mean More Democracy?” CEPS Commentary, September 2010.
    • (with Nathalie Tocci) “Transforming Turkish Foreign Policy: The Quest for Regional Leadership and Europeanisation” CEPS Commentary, November 2009.
    • “What is Happening in Turkey? Party Closure and Beyond,” CEPS Commentary, May 2008.
    • “Just How Revolutionary is Turkey’s Hadith Project?” CEPS Commentary, March 2008. 
    • “On the Way to Normalisation or Breakdown? What Exactly is Happening in Turkey?” CEPS Commentary, July 2007.
    • “EU and Turkey Facing the Same Terror-Security-Liberty Trade-Off,” CEPS Commentary, October 2005.
    • “Progress Report on Turkey: Problems and Prospects,” CEPS Commentary, November 2003.
    • “Europeanisation of Turkish Democracy?” CEPS Commentary, September 2003.

    Book Reviews in Refereed Journals

    • Review of Ruth Wodak, The Politics of Fear: What Right Wing Populist Discourses Mean (Sage, 2015), in Global Affairs (2016), Vol. 2, No.1.
    • Review of Daniel Finke et. al. Reforming the European Union: Realizing the Impossible (Princeton University Press, 2012), in Insight Turkey (2013), Vol. 15, No. 4, p. 215.
    • Review of Constantine Arvanitopoulos (ed.) Turkey’s Accession to the European Union: An Unusual Candidacy (Springer, 2009), in South European Society and Politics (2011), Vol. 16, No.4, pp. 602-604. (SSCI)
    • Review of Christiane Timmerman et. al. (eds.) European and Turkish Voices in Favour and Against Turkish Accession to the European Union (P.I.E Peter Lang, 2008), in South European Society and Politics (2010), Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 334-335. (SSCI)